What to Expect From Neuroma Resection Surgery

mortons neuroma foot illustration | Baltimore Peripheral Nerve Surgeon

If you are experiencing severe nerve pain, it could be due to a neuroma. A neuroma is a swollen or enlarged nerve that can occur on various parts of the body, such as Morton’s neuroma on the foot. When conservative treatments such as orthotics or medication are not effective in providing relief from nerve pain, surgery such as a nerve resection may be an option to consider. Dr. Williams can treat neuromas through a variety of techniques, including nerve resection surgery which is done to relieve pressure from the neuroma to eliminate pain.

Preparing for Nerve Resection Surgery

Just like with any other surgery, your doctor will give you instructions for how to prepare for your procedure. Your doctor may advise you on what medications are fine to take on the day of your surgery and recommend the following:

  • Stop taking medications such as blood thinners for several days prior to surgery
  • Take antibiotics before surgery to prevent infection
  • Do not eat or drink after midnight on the night before surgery
  • Plan to have someone drive you home and stay with you after surgery

What Happens During Surgery

Nerve resection surgery is typically done using general anesthesia so that you are not awake and are kept pain-free throughout the procedure. Some patients are given local anesthesia where the area of the surgery is numbed so that they do not feel pain but are awake and may experience pressure from the procedure.

The technique used by Dr. Williams will depend on the location of the neuroma and the specific nerve branch that is affected. The goal of the procedure is to move the nerve ending to a more suitable location that will protect it and not cause it to regrow or become stimulated. Dr. Williams has had positive results with neuroma resection and has performed it on Morton’s neuromas as well as neuromas at different locations on the body.

Risks and Possible Complications

Like with any surgery, neuroma resection surgery comes with certain risks. Some possible complications that can occur are:

  • Infection
  • Fluid build-up
  • Bleeding

In addition, not every patient will respond to the resection surgery and may not improve with the procedure. If nerve resection surgery is not ideal, another possible option to treat a neuroma is nerve reconstruction surgery.

Recovering From Surgery

Most patients are able to go home the same day of surgery. After the procedure, you may experience pain and swelling for a few days. In cases of Morton’s neuroma, there could be areas of numbness between the toes. If surgery was performed on your foot, you might need to wear a special orthopedic shoe to protect your foot while you recover. You may also need to keep the foot elevated to reduce swelling and be required to keep weight off your foot as much as possible. If surgery was done on your right foot, you would not be able to drive until you have recovered.

If you are experiencing nerve pain, contact Dr. Williams for a consultation today. Dr. Williams can design a treatment plan to fit your specific needs that can relieve pain from a neuroma. To schedule an appointment in the Baltimore office, contact us at (410) 709-3868 or fill out our contact form online.

Eric H. Williams MD
Specializing in reconstructive surgery and pain relief in the Greater Baltimore area.
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