Our Baltimore surgical practice is committed to treating those who suffer from peripheral nerve injuries, entrapments, and chronic pain or dysfunction. We understand the burden that chronic pain creates for you and those closest to you, and we offer treatment options to reduce or eliminate your pain and loss of function, in an effort to improve your quality of life.
Offering the Highest Standards in the Treatment of Nerve Pain
A high standard of excellence in personalized care enables us to provide the quality medical and surgical care that our patients deserve. Dr. Williams will spend whatever time is necessary to try to identify and understand the source of each individual's symptoms and to discover the best course of treatment.
Extensive Education & Experience in Nerve Surgery
As a practice, we truly believe that excellence is derived from both education and experience. As a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with additional Fellowship Training in Peripheral Nerve Surgery, Dr. Williams strives to stay current on the latest techniques and standards in order to provide patients with the safest operations, and the most optimal results. In addition, our practice is often on the leading edge of designing new techniques to conquer difficult problems. We never classify any surgery as routine, no matter how many times we have performed a given procedure. Furthermore, we appreciate and respect that you have placed a great deal of confidence in us, and we want you to achieve the best possible results from any and all surgical procedures. For this reason, before agreeing to perform any procedure, we take our time to carefully review your medical history and your current health. We also take an interest in learning your personal motives and expectations for your surgery so that we can assist you in making the best choice for your health care needs.
A Positive Treatment Experience with Our Team of Medical Professionals
Building a foundation of trust by treating our patients as unique and valuable individuals is vital to our success. We fully understand the anxiety that many people experience when visiting the doctor, and we strive to make to create a positive experience. Our entire team is dedicated to providing you with excellent, personalized care and service, and we pledge to make your consultation and surgery as comfortable and pleasant as possible.