Generally, post-operative instructions call for rest and limited movement in order to speed up the healing process and recovery time. The length of recovery varies with each procedure and is different for each individual. Bruises usually disappear within a few days, and most swelling is gone in a matter of weeks. Your scars will fade over time but are permanent. All patients recover at a different rates. Patients who have been in pain for years may take a lot longer to heal and feel better than those have have a fairly recent problem. Those patients who are already taking a large amount of pain medication will require more medication than those who are not taking large doses of medication. Each patient is a little different. Those who are more active before surgery and who are able to push through daily activities despite their discomfort, will be more active after surgery. Our favorite post surgical recovery "therapy" is water therapy. Getting in a swimming pool and walking in the water does wonders for the lower extremity patients.