Lower Extremity Nerve Compression

Hello, my name is Tanya and I want to tell you about my wonderful journey with Dr. Eric Williams.

I've been working through life 24/7, 365 days a year with some serious acute constant pain in my feet and particularly in my toes. Well, let's say acute pain. I'm talking about having the sheet from your bed touch your toes and you're jumping because it's just can't handle that touch. You can't handle that connection of a soft sheet touching your toes. Walking became that's not something I want to do for a long period of time, and I love to walk. I will walk and walk and walk. I loved it. It became where it was debilitating for me to walk. That's when I knew I had to get something done. I've seen so many doctors, x-rays, MRIs. I've been told that this is something I'm going to have to take medication for the rest of my life. I was disappointed because I thought there must be something that's going on that these specialty doctors were missing.

So, I took my friend's advice, I called the Dellon Institute and he retired, but Dr. Eric Williams was there. I could not believe how much time Dr. Williams gave me in my visit. 70 minutes he took with me, doing such a thorough examination, asking me about my history, about the pain, where it really persists. And he said, "Well, I'm going to do an exam on your legs." I'm like, "Legs?" When he did the examination on my left leg, I could have jumped off the table. The pain was so intense.

I could stand for hours. I could walk two, two and a half miles just fine. I didn't have the feeling that I'm afraid to put the sheet on my toes. There was no pain at all. There was no waking up in the middle of the night because something was happening with the pain in your feet or you were getting these serious charlie horses in your legs. None of that happened.

I so enjoyed his demeanor as a physician, as a surgeon, and how he really spoke in layman's terms so I can understand what was happening and what the procedure would be. I am so grateful for Dr. Williams. I consider him a friend, and I am blessed for it, and I am so grateful for having the opportunity to work with Dr. Eric Williams.
