[Dr. Williams] We are now four months from an operation on the foot. We performed a decompression of the deep peroneal nerve. This nerve comes down from the leg and comes down into this web space right here on the top of her foot. Can you tell us why we did this operation? Can you tell us what symptoms you were having prior to surgery that actually lead us to consider doing this procedure for you?
[Patient] Sure, so back in 2013 I had my first Bunionectomy because it was painful to wear any type of shoe. After the Bunionectomy I continued to have issues with many types of shoes, so in [Patient] March I had another one – this was March 2014. Since March of 2014, I have a burning sensation that felt like walking on needles. Walking upstairs was very painful and my feet felt like they were asleep half the time. It was a very uncomfortable feeling that ended up traveling up and getting worse very quickly.
[Dr. Williams] So, how did your actual toe feel between your first and second toe? Was it a burning pain? Was it a tingling pain? Or an annoying sensation?
[Patient] It kind of almost felt like it wasn’t there. It was kind of like a mild burn, kind of like a shooting pain. It kind of felt like if you picture the static on the television, imagine that but in my foot.
[Dr. Williams] Okay, and what about when things touched, like a tight shoe sock?
[Patient] Whenever I was wearing socks or a shoe across my foot that kind of tapped on my foot – a kind of shooting pain would spring up through my toes.
[Dr. Williams] So you would get a little electrical shock down your toes.
[Patient] Yes, definitely an electrical shock.
[Dr. Williams] And that was going on for about two years you said?
[Patient] Yes sir, two years.
[Dr. Williams] So we had diagnosed you with a pinched nerve that goes to that web space called the deep peroneal nerve. We performed an outpatient procedure to decompress that nerve. And that means to take pressure off of the nerve. Can you tell us what has changed in the past four months and how does it feel different in that area?
[Patient] Honestly in the past few months, I’ve had little to no pain. I have some real shooting pain if I wear a really tight shoe or if I wear heels for too long. But I actually got into heels about two months after my surgery and stayed with them for about six hours without pain. So I would say it was very successful and I have little to no pain now.
[Dr. Williams] I don’t think I gave you permission to wear high heels, but, uh (laughing), but wearing normal shoewear, normal socks, normal footwear before surgery would be uncomfortable. Is that correct?
[Patient] Very uncomfortable, which is why I want to walk around barefoot all the time.
[Dr. Williams] And now, how does it feel?
[Patient] Now I can wear shoes for longer periods of time. Of course, my feet still get tired, but the pain is virtually not there.
[Dr. Williams] And the pain that is between your first and second toe?
[Patient] Yeah, I can feel that it’s there no.
[Dr. Williams] Okay, so do you feel that it’s fairly successful for you?
[Patient] Most definitely.
[Dr. Williams] Okay, thank you.