How Neurolysis Provides Relief From Chronic Pain

woman-with-carpal-tunnel-pain | Baltimore Peripheral Nerve SurgeonNeurolysis or nerve decompression is a procedure that involves removing scar tissue or other types of tissue around a compressed nerve in order to free it and promote regrowth. This outpatient procedure can be done to treat a variety of conditions. To find out if you are a candidate for neurolysis, consult with a nerve specialist.

Types of Conditions Treated by Neurolysis

If surgery is needed to decompress a nerve, neurolysis is an option to consider. This nerve reconstruction procedure involves removing scar tissue or other structures that compress on or around a nerve. Neurolysis can be done using various techniques such as radiofrequency energy, chemicals, or surgical removal and can treat a variety of conditions that cause chronic pain, such as:

  • Carpal tunnel
  • Chronic headaches
  • Cubital tunnel syndrome
  • Diabetic neuropathy
  • Peroneal nerve entrapment
  • Radial tunnel entrapment
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome
  • Thoracic outlet syndrome

Dr. Williams has many neurolysis success stories. One patient reports that after years of suffering from Morton’s neuroma, neurolysis treatment by Dr. Williams preserved the injured nerve by dividing the ligament that pinched the nerve. The patient no longer experiences pain in their left foot, and aches in their back, hips, and knees have diminished.

What to Expect and Possible Complications

At your appointment with Dr. Williams, risk factors and possible complications will be explained. Every person is different, and results will vary from patient to patient. Complications from neurolysis can include infection, bleeding, delayed healing of the surgical site, diminished sensory or motor function, and pain.

The success of nerve surgery depends on factors such as:

  • Age and overall health of the patient
  • Type and severity of the injury
  • Time since the injury
  • Vascularity in the area
  • Level of blood flow to the injured area
  • Length of nerve graft needed for repair
  • Quality and type of nerve repair

Since neurolysis is done as an outpatient procedure, the patient is able to go home the same day. After the procedure, the surgical site will be wrapped in a dressing, and patients may take an over-the-counter pain reliever or be prescribed a short course of narcotics. Light activity can resume when the patient feels comfortable, and full activity may resume after six weeks. For many patients, relief from pain is immediate. For severe cases, it may take patients many months to fully recover.

Contact Us With Questions

If you have a nerve injury and are experiencing chronic pain, contact Dr. Williams for a consultation. He can discuss your treatment options and create a custom plan to address your specific needs. To schedule an appointment, call our office at 410.709.3868 or fill out our convenient contact form online.

Eric H. Williams MD
Specializing in reconstructive surgery and pain relief in the Greater Baltimore area.
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