The pain is G-O-N-E!!!... and so are the aches and problems in my back, hip and knees!!!

It has now been 8 weeks since you performed surgery on the Morton's Neuroma in my left foot. I had been suffering with this condition for about seven years, and the severity of it was getting worse with each passing year. In my efforts to walk on that foot, I started developing hip, knee and back problems as well. When on my feet, I was in constant, sometimes excruciating pain. 

I liked your approach, which was to preserve my nerve, and not remove it as so many other doctor’s had suggested. So you did the “neurolysis”, just dividing the ligament that was pinching the nerve.... and the pain is G-O-N-E!!!... and so are the aches and problems in my back, hip and knees!!! My chiropractor even released me from his care, as I no longer needed therapy to keep me going. I have every confidence that the numbness will also subside in time, and I look forward to regaining agility as I increase my physical activities... WITHOUT PAIN, WITHOUT CANE!!

I will always be grateful to you and to the Dellon Institutes.

A. M. Baltimore, Maryland