Meralgia Paresthetica Relief

I am a wife, a mom, and an audiologist. I used to suffer from meralgia paresthetica before I met Dr. Williams, and he changed my life.

Upon standing for a while, maybe standing still, I noticed that my right outer thigh used to get very numb. I would get to points where my outer thigh would not only get numb but it would also start to burn from my hip to just above my knee, kind of halfway down my thigh and circling around my thigh. It was almost always numb, and the numbness didn't bother me so much as the burning. The burning is so intense that it really just takes your breath away because you're in so much pain.

The doctor threw out the term neuralgia parasitica and didn't really give me any options in terms of what we could do to solve it, but he said you may want to go speak to someone about it.

I was really blown away. I'm in the medical field, so you know I work with doctors all day long, see patients, and I probably spent about two and a half hours in his practice.

I was so excited to do this because I needed to just put an end to this long chapter in my life that was really affecting the quality of my life.

I feel amazing. So, I am four months post-op, and it was the best decision I could have made. I feel like a million bucks. I can go to events and stand up for extended periods of time. My husband and I have gone to several concerts this summer, and I feel great. It feels great to not have to be captured by this thing that I had that no doctors seemed to have been able to determine what was going on with me. I just want to say thank you to Dr. Williams and his amazing staff. I strongly urge anyone with meralgia parasitica issues, especially those whose doctors can't identify what's going on, they almost make you feel like you're crazy. I encourage those people to go get help and find a doctor that's going to listen to them. Thank you, Dr. Williams and staff, for changing my life. I truly feel like a new person.
