I would recommend Dr. Eric Williams wholeheartedly and without any reservation. Not only is he an expert in his field, he is the most caring and compassionate doctor I have ever had the pleasure of meeting and I have met and worked with a lot of doctors.
I discovered Dr. Eric Williams and “The Dellon Institute” in 2014 after an online search for a solution to the horrendous nerve pain my young daughter was suffering as a result of a glass laceration to a nerve in the index finger of her dominant hand in 2011. Her pain became progressively unbearable and doctors here in Ireland believed that there was nothing that could be done, bar trying to manage her pain. She was diagnosed with CRPS and all attempts at managing her pain were unsuccessful She had no quality of life. She was unable to go to school or take part in any normal teenage life. I was very concerned for her mental health.
I emailed Dr. Williams on St. Patrick’s Day 2014, not expecting for one moment that he would reply. I received an answer by the next morning. Since that day, all I can say is that our lives have changed. He knew exactly what was wrong and what he would do to fix it. It is to my huge regret that I did not fly immediately to Baltimore to see Dr. Williams there and then.
But the doctors here in Ireland believed that his solution was impossible and that surgery in America was prohibitive for a patient from Ireland. There was also some resistance to the fact that I had found a doctor online!
So very unfortunately, surgery was done here in Ireland before I got a chance to run it by Dr. Williams. The surgery was unsuccessful and Eibhlin was soon back to square one.
But we kept in touch with Dr. Williams. We flew to Baltimore in June 2015 and Dr. Williams did his surgery. Unfortunately it was more difficult and complicated by the unsuccessful surgery done here in Ireland, but he has made her much better than she was. Our experience of surgery in the Towson Medical Centre was fantastic and Dr. Williams and his staff are outstanding. Her pain relief was excellent.
She is back to her bubbly smiling self. She is in college and doing well and she has a bright future ahead of her. I know in my heart that if I ever need advice about her in the future, all I have to do is ask.
The logo on his website “Changing lives, one patient at a time” is perfect, because he makes you feel as if he only has one patient, and that patient is you.
Thank you Dr. Williams, I dread to think where we would have been without you.
R. O. (Galway, Ireland)